Garage Sale Vinyl
Happy Thursday, everyone!
First things first.
I’ve been talking about it for months now, and the day is finally here - Garage Sale Vinyl, by Christopher Long, is out now and available for purchase via my imprint, Bibliozona Books. If you’re interested and just want to order instead of reading this whole thing, here are the links.
Garage Sale Vinyl - Amazon Paperback
Garage Sale Vinyl - Amazon Kindle eBook
Garage Sale Vinyl - Barnes & Noble Paperback
It’s also available at independent bookstores if you prefer - just ask them to order it for you. ISBN 978-1733247047.
Quite a few people have reached out wanting to know how they can support GSV, and I went ahead and compiled my best suggestions below. These can apply for any reader or fan who wants to support indie writers and publishers in general.
I’m sure there are a ton of things I’m missing or forgetting, and many people don’t participate in social media - that’s ok. But if you like the book, help a girl out and do consider at least reviewing or sharing it with other people who you think might also like the book.
Other ideas:
Mark Garage Sale Vinyl as “want to read” in your GoodReads account, and then read it and rate it.
Actually purchase the book - we tried to keep it at a very fair price point.
THIS IS HUGE! After purchasing, leave your positive review on Amazon, and rate with stars.
Reviews don’t have to be a dissertation - just write what you enjoyed about the book, why you think others would enjoy it, and how it made you feel. 3-5 sentences will do the trick! CONSIDER IT A PUBLIC SERVICE!
If you have a blog or newsletter, or a podcast, consider reviewing/highlighting/sharing GSV with your audience. Chris is available for interviews (and so am I, for that matter!) THANK YOU! Just reach out.
If you’re on socials, make sure you’re following the Garage Sale Vinyl VIP page on Facebook, as well as Bibliozona Books - and like, share and comment on our posts to your feed and/or page.
If you’re comfortable, share a post or a story on Facebook or Instagram - a selfie with the book, or a picture of Garage Sale Vinyl “in the wild” - at the coffee shop, or on vacation. (It’s a great “beach read”, by the way!)
Share your favorite quotes from the book. What parts made you laugh out loud?
If you already have any of the albums covered in Garage Sale Vinyl - make a post and tag us.
Instagram:@bibliozonabooks and @author_christopher_long
Facebook pages:
Use tags: #GarageSaleVinyl #BibliozonaBooks
If you don’t have the means to purchase GSV or want to share it with your community, make a purchase request at your local public library. When I was a librarian, even one request by a patron would trigger a purchase for the library collection.
Do you have a favorite independent vinyl shop that also sells books or collectibles? Mention GSV so they can order wholesale for their store.
Garage Sale Vinyl started with Chris stumbling into some great old albums and being inspired to pitch a weekly column in the awesome online magazine, Ink19, whom he’s written for, for years. After seeing its popularity with readers, the editor there, Rose, mentioned to Chris she thought the whole of it could be a book.
So, when Chris and I had a phone conversation last July about his idea and the concept for Garage Sale Vinyl, he was already about 80% done writing and editing it. He had a vision for the book. I saw it. We made it happen. He was a wonderful author to work with because of his work ethic and his unwavering eye for detail.
I have a ton of things I want to share about this process and what I’ve learned, but I’ll include that in a follow-up. I wanted to get this published and out to you so you can enjoy Garage Sale Vinyl ASAP.
Thanks for your support.
I hope you all have a terrific and safe long holiday weekend!
Big love,
Again, the purchase links are here:
Garage Sale Vinyl - Amazon Paperback
Garage Sale Vinyl - Amazon Kindle eBook
Garage Sale Vinyl - Barnes & Noble Paperback
(I have to figure out how to get it into iBooks on Apple, and when I do, I will let you know!)
Thanks again, everyone!